How do I benefit from rooftop solar project ?
Rooftop Solar Plant generates energy from the Solar radiation and supplies it to all types of loads. It replaces the energy consumers currently import from the Electricity Distribution Companies. Energy generated from Rooftop Solar is with limited operating cost and hence results in significant cost savings over the life of the Solar Plant.
Are there any tax benefits for Solar Power Installation ?
Yes. Solar Power Installation are eligible for Accelerated Depreciation benefit as declared by Central Government from time to time. This helps reduce the payback period for the Solar Power Plants installed.
Does solar work with DG ?
Yes, Solar inverters are capable to run in synchronization with DG, subject to sufficient load conditions to consume both Solar and Min DG power.
What does Open Access Solar Plant mean ?
Energy consumers with limited rooftop areas or very large electricity consumption can establish ground mount solar projects located in remote location (in our solar parks) and get credit for the energy supplied to the grid from the remote solar plant. The energy credit is offset against the energy imported from the grid at the Industrial Plant location.
How often does one need to clean the solar power system ?
Depends on the local dust conditions. Generally in India cleaning frequency of once in 15 days is recommended to achieve optimal generation from the solar plant.